Financial Consulting 财务咨询
We provide various financial and management consulting services, including overall planning, budget analysis, debt consolidation, mergers and acquisitions, going public or private. “走出去”战略正在由越来越多的中国企业真切具体地实践着。如同早年的日本、韩国、台湾,在经历为美国等西方国家贴牌代工生产的阶段以后,纷纷进驻美国等西方国家,直接面对市场。
We work closely with you to help you achieve your financial goals. We work closely with other professional services firms to fulfill special projects, including trust set-up, pension and retirement planning. 凡事预则立,不预则废。当你决定到美国设立分支机构的时候,可以联系我们的上海办公室咨询相关事宜。我们会根据投资人/母公司的经营现状和长远目标,结合我们的专业知识和实践经验,为你提出建议和规划。
When you are planning to buy or sell a business, we offer advice about local market conditions, industry trends, and government regulations. We perform economic analysis, statistical and quantitative analysis to assist your purchase or sale, and help ensure the deal. 进驻美国后的第一步是设立美国公司。通常采用最多的两种企业类型是 S-Corporation (Small/Subchapter-S Corporation: 五名以内股东,美国公民或绿卡持有者) 和 LLC (Limited Liability Company: 股东组合中有美国以外的个人或公司)。其中细节和实施步骤请向我们咨询。
E-Commerce is very popular nowadays and is still growing very fast. We will be glad to help you with the tax compliance and technological challenges when you expand your business to the internet. 因为语言局限和文化差异,我们建议你招聘本土的美国人来拓展业务。这一步需要机缘巧合,我们可向你推荐世居美国人开办的猎头公司。至于记帐、报税、经营协助和管理咨询,当然可以交给我们来办理。
International transaction and international tax are complicated. They fall into the scope of our expertise. We are familiar with China and the United States, and are always ready to share our experience with you. 跨国经营中不可避免地涉及关联方交易,我们会协助你制定转移定价 (Transfer Pricing),以实现最大限度的税务优化。当需要签订经营合同,或办理 L-1 工作签证时,我们可向你推介相关领域的法律专业人士。
Some private companies are seeking capital and enhancing reputation by going public. Some public companies are going private to reduce costs associated with information disclosure. In either way, we are happy to help. 接下来你需要把美国分公司的财务报表合并到中国总公司的报表当中,我们上海办公室的专业人员会协助你调整内部交易损益。你可以考虑聘请他们作为独立董事,对公司的经营管理和战略决策发表意见。
Financial planning is vital to your business success. We will create a detailed strategy tailored to your specific situation, and help you reap a harvest out of your endeavor. 万事开头难;持之以恒,你就会收获成功的回报。虽然美国也时有骗局,不过我们仍然想提醒你:多一分美国人的循规蹈矩,少一分中国人的投机取巧,也许会对你有帮助。